Youth 年輕氣盛
Sometimes I feel like
Throwing my hands up in the air (有時我真想高舉雙手)
I know I can count on you (但我知道我能信賴你)
Sometimes I feel like saying
Lord I just don't care (有時想說:上帝啊!我不想理會了)
But you've got the love I need
To see me through (但你的愛讓我能勇敢闖過)
Sometimes it seems that
The going is just too rough (有時眼前的路坎坷險阻)
And things go wrong (無論怎做,事情窒礙難行)
Now and then I feel
That life is just too much (從前道現在,生命難以承受)
You've got the love
I need to see me through (但你的愛讓我能勇敢闖過)
“You Got the Love” – The Retrosettes Sister Band
音樂,無疑是 Youth(年輕氣盛)當中最讓人喜愛的點
片頭,利用 “You Got the Love”,來表明全片的主軸
這次的音樂譜曲,有些橋段對於 David Lang 來說是不易的,為了要讓演員知道怎麼指揮,音樂必須提前完成。與導演 Paolo Sorrentino 不斷文字上的溝通,去想主角的心境,場景設計,畫面氛圍等等
Simple Song #3
Vocal:Sumi Jo
Violin:Viktoria Mullova
BBC Orchestra
I feel complete
I lose all control
I lose all control
I respond
I feel chills
I break
I know all those lonely nights
I know all those lonely nights
I know everything
I lose all control
I get a chill
I know all those lonely nights
I die
I hear all that is left to be heard
I wish you would never stop
I've got a feeling
I live there
I live for you now
I leave no sense behind
I feel complete
I've got a feeling
I wish you're moving like rain
I'll be there
I'll be there
I lose all control
When you whisper my name
When you whisper my name
When you whisper my name, whisper my name
When you whisper my name
Whisper ...
When you ...
Whisper ...
When you ...
David Lang 認為譜寫此曲是壓力很大的,如何描述一個人對於自己的愛, 年輕樂觀同時又是深沈的。此曲是電影的最後,交織了許多情緒,需要個很強大有力的情感表達。
Just (After Song of Songs) (選曲)
just your mouth
just your love
just you are at nineteen miles
just your name
just you are shameless
just your love
and my own
and my soul
just your flock
just your companions
just your kids
just your cheeks
just your neck
just your couch
and my parfume
and my beloved
and my breasts
and my beloved
and my love...
Wood Symphony
有 Soundscape composition(音景作曲)創作手法的概念
意即,聲音 (sound) 加上景觀(landseape) 的合成字,可稱為「聲音景觀」或「聲音風景」
" You see that mountain over there? Everything seems really close. That's the future. And now... everything seems really far away. That's the past."
David Land (1957~
音樂風格來自於 modernism, minimalism 以及 rock
Youth 當中的 Simple Song #3,2016 年受 Academy Award(奧斯卡金像獎), Golden Globe Award(金球獎), Critics Choice Award(廣播影評人協會獎) 提名最佳原創歌曲。在 David di Donatello (義大利電影金像獎)得到最佳配樂與最佳原創歌曲。
Aspen Santa Fe Ballet │Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival 2011
Ballet: La La La Human Steps · Montréal, Canadá
The Little Match Girl Passion (for chorus)
Pulitzer Prize for Music, 2008
Grammy Award for Best Small Ensemble Performance, 2010
The Woodmans, 2012
(Untitled), 2009
The National Anthems, 2016
The Difficulty of Crossing a Field, 2015
Love Fail, 2014